What’s For Lunch

What’s For Lunch

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Lunch – the most important meal of the day?  

The importance of a well-rounded school lunch 

is easy to overlook.

The importance of a well-rounded school lunch is easy to overlook. Unfortunately, getting everyone out of the house on time for school and work can be an exhausting mad dash.

Many schools offer several options for lunch, but what about the picky eaters or the child with a food allergy? What about the parents trying to save money by preparing their child’s lunch at home every day? It’s easier said than done, but it can be done!

What your child eats can directly affect how they function throughout the day. Here are some measures I have taken in my own home to insure that our morning routine is smooth and stress-free, while creating a fun learning environment. 

Something I make often are freezer sandwiches; peanut butter and jelly or hazelnut spread, mayo and sliced cheese. I usually make a whole loaf of bread into sandwiches to last throughout the week. My boys also know that on the weekends we prep for meals together. Separating small portions of snacks and sides, then storing them in a place your child can reach, allows them the ability to prepare their own lunch in the morning.

Lunch should be exciting! Food holds a special time and place during the school day, which many students look forward to. While it is a social nourishment, lunch time should also be a physical and literal nourishment. Many children are able to perform the task of preparing their own lunch at home. They will need some help, of course, but show them how it’s done and let them take charge.


• Kids can easily choose from pre-packaged snacks and sides.

• Store lunch items in a place that is accessible.

• Make a chart to remind them which components to choose each day.

• Don’t forget to be creative and have fun!

Written by Olivia Hall

Restaurant Owner, Chef, Mother