A Merry Heart Is Like A Medicine!

A Merry Heart Is Like A Medicine!

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In today’s world, life has become so busy that we hardly have time to relax and enjoy the time we have on this earth that God has given us. We teachers are so stressed due to the frantic work schedule, specifically with multi-grade classes, that we have forgotten to take time to relax and laugh. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart is like a medicine.” 

Jokes play a vital role to soothe our hearts. There are many benefits to our body and mind by laughing and sharing funny jokes. 

Benefits to our body- Laughter has a positive impact on our bodies. When we laugh, we boost the human immune system by increasing antibodies to fight infection.  It helps in blood circulation and increases endorphins released by the brain.  Endorphins help in reducing pain. 

Benefits to our mind - We not only lighten our spirits by laughing, but humor dissolves our anger, depression, tension, and stress.  It makes us feel lighter and less irritated.  It helps our moods. 

Someone said, “Jokes sharpen our sensibilities and tune our capabilities.  It brings out the better person and the brighter side of your life.”  Humor allows people without any hesitation to express their feelings.   But the most important part is before you share your joke, make sure you do not insult anyone or hurt someone's feelings. Jokes and humor make our surroundings lighter.  When you share a good joke, it makes the surroundings happier. As a multi-grade teacher, a joke to the class once in a while will lighten up the class.  Here are some jokes you can share and lighten up your class. 

Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
A: Because her/his class was so bright!

Q: Why were the teacher's eyes crossed?
A: She couldn't control her pupils! 

Q: How is an English teacher like a judge?
A: They both give out sentences.

Q: Teacher: You missed school yesterday, didn't you?
A: Student: Not really.

Q: Why did the teacher go to the beach?
A: To test the water.

Q: Teacher: If I had 6 oranges in one hand and 7 apples in the other, what would I have?
A: Student: Big hands!

Q: Teacher: If you got $20 from 5 people, what do you get?
A: Student: A new bike.

Q: Teacher: I hope I didn't see you looking at John's exam?
A: Student: I hope you didn't either.

Q: Teacher: What is the shortest month?
A: Student: May, it only has three letters.

Q: Teacher: Answer my question at once. What is 7 plus 2?
A: Student: At once!

Q: Why did closing her eyes remind the teacher of her classroom?
A: Because there were no pupils to see.

Q: Why did the teacher turn the lights on?
A: Because her class was so dim. 

Q: What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you?
A: Pick them up and roll them back.

Q: What did the ghost teacher say to the class?
A: Look at the board and I will go through it again.

Q: Why did the teacher write on the window?
A: Because she wanted the lesson to be very clear!

Check out these special school joke categories for more school jokes for kids:



We make a difference in our students’ lives, especially by building their self-confidence and self-esteem during the school year. Adding a little humor in the classroom is just like brightening up the corner where you are.  Don't let things get out of hand - just go with the flow - humor in the classroom is a wonderful thing! 

Hats off to you wonderful teachers for your great sacrifice. God Bless!!!

by Alwina Kindo

Alwina teaches at New Orleans Adventist Academy.