We will return to the components of the J2E Framework (now known as the EDUCATION by Design Framework) in the next blog post, but it’s important at this point in time to consider a recent development in the ongoing work of reimagining Adventist education in the Southwestern Union.
The Southwestern Union Conference Office of Education has developed a new branding for K-12 education— EDUCATION by Design. The brand signifies that we are intentionally focused on creating coherence among the components that contribute to excellence in education.
The ultimate goal of Adventist education is to make visible the Adventist worldview to learners. Teaching and learning must be purposefully designed to accomplish this goal, beginning with the articulation of the mission, the vision, and the core values and beliefs of Adventist education. The values and beliefs, in particular, are foundational to the development of all other components of the system. Below you will find a conceptual framework that identifies the key components of teaching and learning as well as their relationship to other parts, followed by a list of the values and beliefs that inform K-12 education in the Southwestern Union.
The figure depicts the five layers of the Framework as interdependent circles of support, both holistically as well as by quadrant. Working from the center outwards, the key components are:
Layer 1—The driver of the Journey are the missional outcomes or the 7Cs, global competencies linked to our mission. The 7Cs articulate the WHY or purpose of Adventist education.
Layer 2—The guiding principles for the Journey are Purpose, Plan, Practice, and Product. The principles serve to further define the nature of each quadrant.
Layer 3—The vehicle for meaningfully embedding the outcomes in practice during the Journey is the Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Cycle. The Cycle articulates HOW excellence is achieved across the system.
Layer 4—The evaluation tool for the Journey is the Standards for Accreditation of Seventh-day Adventist Schools. The standards articulate WHAT the anticipated school outcomes are.
Layer 5—The directional focus for the Journey is determined through the continuous collection and analysis of data. Data informs each program and process of Adventist education.
EDUCATION by Design Values and Beliefs
(adaptedfrom George Knight)
1. Adventist education prepares learners for excellence and success in this life, both academically and vocationally.
2. Adventist education prepares learners for eternity by introducing them to Jesus as Lord and Savior and placing the biblical worldview at the center of education as the lens for all knowledge and life.
3. Adventist education prepares learners to serve others by teaching Adventism’s unique doctrinal package, particularly God’s Great Commission for worldwide mission and the Second Advent.
Access the SWUC Education website to learn more about Adventist education in the Southwestern Union—southwesternadventsiteducation.com.