Write for Your Life, 2022

Write for Your Life, 2022

The author says that we can explore, learn, and connect through writing.  Anna Quindlen shares many examples, both from past and present, to illuminate the ways in which writing connects us to ourselves and to others.  Writing gives us something to hold on to in a changing world. “To write the present,” Quindlen says, “is to believe in the future.”

Reviewed by Carol Campbell, PhD

Vice President for Education

Southwestern Union Conference

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Putting Faces on the Data:  What Great Leaders and Teachers Do!, 2023
Putting Faces on the Data: What Great Leaders and Teachers Do!, 2023

Authors:  Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullan

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Assessing Learning in the Standards-based Classroom, 2023
Assessing Learning in the Standards-based Classroom, 2023

Authors:  Jan K. Hoegh, Jeff Flygare, Tammy Heflebower, Philip B. Warrick

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