The Way of Wisdom:  Biblical Mentoring Stories for Leaders, 2023

The Way of Wisdom: Biblical Mentoring Stories for Leaders, 2023

The Way of Wisdom explores some of the most prominent mentoring relationships in the Bible and how they can apply to leaders in both the church and in business. By examining the lives of biblical characters, such as Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, and Jesus and His disciples, we can gain insights into the qualities and characteristics of effective mentors and mentees and see how leaders have succeeded and failed in their endeavors to both follow God and lead others.   

Reviewed by Carol Campbell, PhD

Vice President for Education

Southwestern Union Conference

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Common Formative Assessment:  A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work, 2023
Common Formative Assessment: A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work, 2023

Authors:  Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic

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What If I’m Wrong and Other Key Questions for Decisive School Leadership, 2020
What If I’m Wrong and Other Key Questions for Decisive School Leadership, 2020

Author:  Simon Rodberg

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