Reclaiming Personalized Learning:  A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms, 2022

Reclaiming Personalized Learning: A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms, 2022

During the pandemic, students were inundated with personalized learning technologies.  The author, however, focuses on humanizing personalized learning without them.  He offers practical guidance on designing inclusive learning environments for diverse groups by supporting student agency, self-awareness, and the intimate personal connections found in authentic learning experiences.  

Reviewed by Carol Campbell, PhD

Vice President for Education

Southwestern Union Conference

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World War II Close Up:  They Saved the Stallions
World War II Close Up: They Saved the Stallions

by Deborah Hopkinson

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The Class With Wings
The Class With Wings

by Paul Fleischman

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