Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain:  How to Retrain Your Brain to Overcome Pessimism and Achieve a More Positive Outlook, 2012

Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain: How to Retrain Your Brain to Overcome Pessimism and Achieve a More Positive Outlook, 2012

The author explores the wide range of emotions that lie between optimism and pessimism.  We often are not aware of how these deep-seated feelings determine the positivity of our interactions with others or quite the opposite.  Do we gravitate towards seeing the glass half full or half empty?  Again, as Church leaders we need the ability to be keenly aware of the complexities of our individual personalities and how we can manage them not only for the honor and glory of God but for the advancement of His kingdom as well. Elaine Fox clearly outlines the need for a healthy balance between the joys and the stresses of life.  As she puts it: “If either our fear brain or our pleasure brain is too dominant,” then we are headed for difficulties.  The results can be disastrous.  

 Reviewed by Carol Campbell, PhD

Vice President for Education

Southwestern Union Conference

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God Has a Name, 2017
God Has a Name, 2017

Author:  John Mark Comer

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In Teachers we Trust:  The Finnish Way to World-Class Schools, 2021
In Teachers we Trust: The Finnish Way to World-Class Schools, 2021

Authors:  Pasi Sahlberg (author of Finnish Lessons) and Timothy D. Walker (author of Teach Like Finland)

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