For America:  Simple Things Each of Us Can Do to Make Our Country Better, 2006

For America: Simple Things Each of Us Can Do to Make Our Country Better, 2006

Organized in eight sections-Community, Children, Citizenship, Values, Charity, Environment, Everyday Living, and The World-this powerful motivational book contains more than 120 simple actions every American can take to make our country a better place, including:

__Simple solutions such as recycling, voting, and volunteering
__Promoting U.S. businesses by buying locally grown produce and supporting community merchants
__Returning to old-fashioned values-politeness, respect, tolerance, and optimism

Reviewed by Carol Campbell, PhD

Vice President for Education

Southwestern UnionConference

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The Future of Teaching and the Myths That Hold It Back, 2021
The Future of Teaching and the Myths That Hold It Back, 2021

Author:  Guy Claxton

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The Homiletical Plot:  The Sermon as Narrative Art Form, 2000
The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form, 2000

Author:  Eugene L. Lowry

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