100-Day Leaders, 2019

100-Day Leaders, 2019

Every school is encouraged to have a Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Plan which is comprised of several long-term goals that reflect needs identified through data analysis.  Within the context of the CSI Plan, it is also recommended that short-term action steps be created for each goal.  In 100-Day Leaders, the authors share suggestions and tools for turning short-term wins into long-term success in schools.  

Reviewed by Carol Campbell, PhD

Vice President for Education

Southwestern Union Conference

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In Teachers we Trust:  The Finnish Way to World-Class Schools, 2021
In Teachers we Trust: The Finnish Way to World-Class Schools, 2021

Authors:  Pasi Sahlberg (author of Finnish Lessons) and Timothy D. Walker (author of Teach Like Finland)

Read the Review
Think Again:  The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know, 2021
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know, 2021

Author:  Adam Grant

Read the Review